A couple of nights ago, I was sprawled on my sofa watching T.V post midnight. After a good 20 minutes of surfing through various channels and a failed attempt at watching and deciphering a non dubbed Malayalam movie I finally gave up and decided to go to bed.
As I sat in an upright position, my T.V remote which was perched on top of my torso fell to floor with a bang. Now, there was no big deal in the remote falling, it has fallen so many times in the past 10 years that I have long since lost count. However, that night when the remote fell I had an epiphany. I began to see my remote control in a whole new light.
My remote control is as old as my television set, that’s about 10 years. And, as I mentioned it has fallen and even been thrown in anger numerous times in the past 10 years. However, no amount of flinging and banging has caused any harm to it. None at all. That realization got me thinking how similar this remote is to the relationships that I maintain in my life or rather the relationships that most of us have in our lives. There are certain people in our life with whom we have had hideous fights and bitter misunderstandings yet, we managed to sail through the rough patch and emerged stronger than ever. Those people are forever by our side through thick and thin just as we are by theirs. And I can say this with much certainty that no matter how many times we may accidentally or carelessly ‘drop’ them, they will still be there for us as strong as ever. Just like my T.V remote that has been with me for all these years. And, that got me thinking about the other remote in my life, my DVD remote control which is barely 3 years old but has broken so many times and doesn't function half of the time. The DVD remote gets me thinking about the people that are no more a part of my life; about the relationships that failed. They were those temporarily relationships that just need a reason to break, the slightest push was enough.
It is weird how such a random event can get you thinking of something with such profound meaning. That’s life; it teaches.