
Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Tiny Steps

I thought of taking my previous blog post on the traffic situation in the city a little more ahead, and what better way to do so than put it in the newspaper. So, I ended up writing a letter to the Editor of DNA newspaper. Luckily for me the editor seemed to like it, as a result it appeared in the 3rd July issue in their section know as 'Letters to the editor'.

Yes, its not a full fledge article and I should keep calm but, I am happy. Its my first TINY step, in the right direction, towards the successful future that i want for myself. Hoping to make it to the front page one day. Also, a little more awareness about the crossing situation will do no harm.

>>The article. ( Oh, they used my photograph too.)

 DNA (Daily News Analysis), 3rd July, Letters to the Editor.

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