
Thursday, August 15, 2013

Independent, are we?

1 new Whatsapp message:
"A Pakistani asked a question to tease an Indian: 
Indians aur kutto mai kitna farak hai?
Indian replies: **Something offensive to Pakistan**
I love India!
Happy Independence Day"
My reaction after reading the message; Why??

I am an Indian, a proud Indian at that. I love my mother land. Today is our Independence day and I am proud and happy. People everywhere are participating in flag hoisting, singing the national anthem and wishing their fellow country mates. All good. 

What's bad, is the message I received, rather the messages that I received. I clearly fail to understand, why should a greeting of our country's Independence Day, be coupled with an offensive joke about another. Where is the need for it? How does it even make sense? Also, more so that all such messages that I received ridiculed Pakistan, not even the British rule, the British rule that we actually got independence from. 

Such messages to me do not express an iota of pride or love for India, all they express is ignorant hatred for our neighboring nation.

Some will argue, with me on this, and say the neighboring nation deserves it, and go on to to telling me about war time ethics. But don't you see, thats a completely different thing. We can't be judges of what happens during war while we are sitting in the comfort of our home. We don't know the half of it. What we know of war is what the media tells us and, what the media tells is is what the government wants us to know. Nothing more, nothing less. True we have lost soldiers at war, lets not forget so have they. And so, using war time references to justify insulting another nation on our Independence day is indeed not justified. 

Such greetings are naive and filled with personal biases. They make my blood boil.

If everyone of us blindly fester ill feelings in our heart towards another nation, and then pass it on to our children, which is very likely to happen, then when do we have a chance of real, true to the heart peace and friendship?

So go ahead, wish your friend a very happy Independence Day, just make sure its an actual wish where you are happy for your country rather than happy to make fun of another. The day we get independence from our ignorant personal biases, is the day each one of us will truly be independent. 

Happy Independence Day!
Jain Hind!

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